by on March 23, 2015

My first post about Number One only covered December, which proved to be an unbelievably expensive month. It took another three months to come close to matching that initial set of hauls, but after seeing how quickly things escalated between us you probably expected that this next post was coming. Don't worry, Number One earns a fortune every year. He can afford these brutal drains, despite his pitiful attempts to protest otherwise--he didn't sell his car or mortgage his house, though some of you seemed convinced he'd done something drastic.

Before I start detailing the next set of conquests, I'll take this opportunity to remind you that cash rape isn't supposed to be a competition. If you can afford to compete, go for it! I won't complain. But if you make $25,000 a year, you cannot possibly hope to compete with an executive who makes $250,000. Many slaves feel discouraged and useless when they see big numbers, even though I guarantee some will be paradoxically jacking off to this post when they get past this paragraph. Some slaves harbor the selfish desire to be a master's "best" slave, and they're hesitant to serve a man with my reputation and record, nervous about feeling inferior or insignificant compared to others in the stable. This is all about me, not about you. You shouldn't settle for a lesser man just because you want to feel some sense of accomplishment in being his biggest tributer. If you crave me, serve me. Don't be selfish.

The Rise

On to recounting the events of the past few months. Two days into the new year, fresh off his $5,000 month, Number One announced that he had a brief window open for a small cash rape. I took $125 on Paypal and $150 on Niteflirt before he suddenly had to sign off. I wondered if Number One might try to limit himself to small sessions like that, hoping to avoid the bankrupting drains that I'd grown accustomed to enjoying.

A couple weeks later, I had my answer. Number One messaged me and was obviously hungry: "Need to get on with you somehow. Now. Can't hold out." His dick was already throbbing thinking about me and the damage I was going to do. Before we started, the slave expressed his concern that he was on the verge of passing a point of no return. I told Number One he was already there. You pass that point as soon as you get started; it's impossible to turn away--the cravings will never disappear. "Control is mine," I told Number One as he stripped his clothes off and locked himself in a room.

"Can't go crazy like last time," he tried to tell me. Haha. So much for that. No longer a Teamviewer virgin, Number One was now desperate to see me in control of his screen. I started with $175 on Niteflirt, took $1,600 on Paypal, and finally--after hitting some kind of limit on Number One's Paypal account--amassed another $400 in Amazon gift cards. More than $2,000 in a single session--Number One was back to his old ways!

An hour and a half into that $2,000+ cash rape, Number One said that he was going to have to take an hour off for a work conference call. I'm sure you already know where this is going. His cock was hard as they discussed business, the slave messaging me constantly and stripping naked while the call went on. We reconnected Teamviewer and I raped Number One while he participated in the call, his dick hard the entire time.

"Fuck Sir is so beautiful," he typed after sharing his opinion about some business issue. "Fuck me. You own me. I've lost control." It feels too good to stop. Slaves are helpless in front of me. They can't possibly resist.

"The best thing you ever did was message me," I told Number One. He'd discovered his purpose, something every submissive fag needs. 
"That's why you can't stay away."

Number One, like many slaves, can be full of contradictions in circuiting the dreaded cycle. At one moment, hand on dick, it's "Fuck me over! Take me past my limits!" In another, it's "Be lenient with me. Be careful. Don't go too far." What does he really want? I'm always inclined to listen to the dick. The sexual drive, in fags and straight men alike, is one of the strongest. A cock's needs can easily overcome all logic and rationality. When you're touching yourself and desperate to bust a nut, you'll do things you might not otherwise be willing to do, like settle for the chick who's less attractive than the one you flirted with all night, or part with $1,000 when you'd only planned to lose $100. No man can ignore his cock, whether it's a monster like mine or a tiny three inch dicklet. We all have our needs.

"Fuck. How much today?" Number One asked. He never kept count. 
"Over $2,000." 
"Fuck! Killing me. You own me." Yeah, that's right.

As always, Number One could have gone all night--that's what he's famous for--and he begged, begged, and begged for me to stay with him when I finally had to go after hours of emptying his wallet out. Fucktoy was coming over and I hadn't showered or cleaned anything in the apartment, so I didn't have a choice.

Number One's schedule constantly interfered with his desire, but you know that never went away. I'd frequently hear about how eager he was to serve, that his dick was hard reliving everything that had happened and imagining my hands controlling the cursor on his screen again. Sometimes I'd turn the cam on for a few minutes when Number One had a free moment, making him lust after being raped again. A couple weeks later, I picked up another $950 on Paypal and $150 on Niteflirt in another relatively large session.

The Fall

Number One started to stray after that, serving another master after I missed his eager pleas to rape him while I was watching a movie with Fucktoy. I came back online maybe an hour later, the slave telling me that he was "going to lose the other guy," but instead he drunkenly added me to the Skype call, making it apparent what was going on. Loyalty was a feature Number One had always prided himself on--I'd only seen the scores of payments to myself in his Paypal account for a stretch of several months--so it was disappointing to see him being used by someone else. I don't expect those who serve me to be loyal--most men are sluts--but it is incredibly impressive to see one actually carry through where so many others can only talk. Now Number One had fucked that up.

"Please are you available?" he later begged. "Fuck me Sir. Fuck me over Sir." Number One asked for 20 minutes and said he would be all mine after that, but he was obviously wasted and never did pull it together when he came back. His laptop battery died and I ended up passing out before he figured the quandary out. I woke up to the usual needy pleading: "There? Please rape me Sir. I need you. Please Sir. Please Sir. Sir Please. Sir please come back! My computer was unplugged. I want to be raped!" It already sounded like he had regrets about the tryst.

After that disastrous night, Number One was either hard at work or out sowing his oats. I didn't ask for clarification when he messaged me again in March, but I saw a lot of other names in his Paypal history the last time I saw it with Teamviewer. None of them inflicted anything approaching the kind of damage I had done, and perhaps that was part of the appeal given how much money Number One has spent. After downing a bunch of shots of bourbon, he loosened up and his desires were unleashed again. I took $700 on Paypal and about $150 on Niteflirt, and I could have easily plucked another huge pile of cash from Number One's wallet that night, but I was exhausted after getting up at 10:00 AM (it was about 6:00 AM the next day when I finally went to bed). I ordered him to sleep, and after a long round of pleading he finally complied. While I slumbered, Number One apparently returned to consciousness, still incredibly drunk after swigging down all those shots. After messaging me on Skype and realizing that I was gone, he found someone else willing to take advantage of his stupor, and he spilled a couple thousand bucks.

When we last talked, Number One confessed his deep regret about that choice: "Was a mistake situation. Got me to regret it. I certainly want nothing to do with him and won't go that path again. I lost it that night." Given that Number One had just been brutally insulting this guy in the hours before he turned to him, that was obviously true. Having blown around $15,000 in the span of four months, Number One said he needed a break from all this. He deleted his slave site identities and sent me his $90 Paypal balance before closing it and Niteflirt down. He said that he was going to delete his Skype ID but promised that he would eventually create a new one and contact me again.

The Future

"I needed this from you. Thank you," Number One said with genuine gratitude after I bitched him out for sinking so low, recognizing that his drinking and spending had been reckless lately. He professed his desire to return to being a loyal slave reserved exclusively for my use, and then he said goodbye: "Good night. I will be back."

Number One obviously has a few issues to sort out right now but I do expect he'll be back. How could he possibly stay away from me for very long?

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