on December 10, 2023
life$ been Great, MOre $ for fuck all, pure findom, no bitch activity's for $ that aint Alpha thats a SukA (BITCH) rdy to get gay bashed and treated like the piece of shit you are while all your money is drained, FINDOM what the scene is all about, STR8 ALPHAS BASHING FAG$ 4 $, SKYPE-RONALD.SEX STR8 35 YEAR OLD EX CON ALPHA CASH MASTER x13, BMW I8 UPGRADE$ BOUT COMPLETE COURSE PAID FROM YOU MARK ASS BITCHES, FUCKIN HOMO$ AJA JA JA.
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po$ted in the Cemetery on (dia de los muertos) (paying my respects to the departeD) juju
Like December 10, 2023